Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Skin Cancer Diagnosis

The ultra-violet radiation (UVR), produced by sunlight, is essential for the preservation of warmth and life. However, due to the holes in the ozone layer, exposure to the sun can cause severe damage to the skin, including skin cancer.

This radiation is classified as a complete carcinogen (an agent that promotes and develops tumors). It is subdivided into UVA, UVB and UVC, and the first two wave spectra are causing tumors, sunburn and skin aging. UVC radiation does not reach the earth. Variations in levels of UVR depends on the existence of clouds in the atmosphere, geographic location, season and time of day. Between 10 hours and 14 hours the radiation are more damaging to skin because of the greater amount of UVB and UVA.

Skin cancer is the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells that make up the skin. These cells are arranged to form layers and, depending on the affected layer will have different types of cancer.

Allows a better evaluation of the "spots", because it shows details which are not seen with the naked eye. The doctor will indicate the lesions that must be removed and which lesions should be monitored.

There are several different presentations of skin blemishes. The first form has a raised appearance and shiny, translucent, red, brown, pink or multicolored. The second is a black or brown paint that changes color, texture, becomes irregular edges and grows in size. The third form is a spot or sore that does not heal.

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