Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cellulite Causes and Treatment

The causes of cellulite are numerous, can not be blamed for it as a single factor. For this reason, medical science could not give a definitive answer to this condition, the best thing you can do so far is to reduce or control through medical treatments.

The main causes of cellulite presents basic factors (structural and hereditary) and secondary (estrogen, excess movement, breath, constipation, liver, digestive tract), as established by Pablo Palomo MA in alternative therapies.

Science does not consider cellulite as a cosmetic problem that should be left exclusively in the hands of the beauty industry, but a disorder in which the drug must be present.

The best thing to do to get rid of cellulite, or at least slow down and reduce its incidence is the realization of a comprehensive treatment that combines proper diet, physical activity and medical therapy, mainly.

For example, you can use ultrasound, laser therapy, electrolipósisis, acupressure, electro, among others. However, the pathology is reduced, but not mean it is permanently deleted.

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