Chitosan is a biopolymer fiber marine origin, mainly found in the exoskeleton of crustaceans, it has to be produced through the deacetylation of chitin at elevated temperatures. Chitosan has numerous uses biotechnological component used as drug carriers for controlled-release technology.
This soluble fiber, with a positive charge, has been widely used by industry for several purposes, including the absorption of fats and oils of plants in water treatment, health and nutrition.
Discovered in the nineteenth century, the use of chitosan as food has become widespread only a few decades ago, by Japanese scientists were the first to discover the possible benefits of chitosan feeding people. After years of studies, researchers found that chitosan acts as an aid in lowering cholesterol, probably due to decreased absorption of lipids from the gastrointestinal tract.
Chitosan has no caloric value because it can not be absorbed. Chitosan can hold between 60 to 10 times its weight in fat.
Grease and when added chitosan is not digestible form a mass, which is excluded through the digestive tract. Due to their electrical charge, chitosan can selectively absorb saturated fats even in aqueous media. Thus, all the fat that is linked to chitosan passes through the body without being absorbed or retained.
It is also believed that supplementation with chitosan may be part of the creation of a purification process that is very necessary to lose weight.
The use of chitosan in the system makes the body store less fat in the body. With a little fat being absorbed into the body, the body uses the fat that is stored in the body to be burned. This changes the energy sources from your diet for their fat stores and results in a reduction of body fat and weight.
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