Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuberculosis Information

Contrary to what many think, this disease is quite common in our country and killing thousands of people every year. She does not choose age, sex or race.

Although it is contagious, as we shall see, this evil can be cured. The person must have patience and willpower, because the treatment lasts at least six months.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that can affect the lungs or other parts of the body, with serious consequences. The disease is spread from person to person. When someone who is infected - active and untreated - into their lungs or throat expels them into the air when sneezing or talking. Other individuals who are breathing the same contaminated air can be infected. Normally, these bacteria who ends up inspiring and have close contact with someone who is already with the disease. This is why most people get TB from family members, friends or coworkers. In a casual contact with people coughing in a restaurant or in a public transportation, even if there is someone with tuberculosis, is more difficult to have the transmission. It does not spread the disease through contact with plates, glasses, sheets or clothing.

It is a serious disease caused by active TB germs. If the body's defenses are weak, it is possible that evil develops shortly after penetration of germs in the body. It is also likely, even after many years, that germs become active inactive. This requires that the body's defenses are weakened for reasons such as aging, serious illness, alcohol or drug abuse and AIDS.

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