Friday, September 9, 2011

Berries for Health Care

A blackberry juice sweetened with honey is not only delicious, it is also highly nutritious. In general, all berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries and strawberries) provide important nutrients to the body and keep it in good shape.

Its distinctive flavor both sweet and acid make these small wild fruits the perfect choice to take on fresh juices and hydrate the body. Moreover, these fruits contain large doses of vitamins such as A, C and E, minerals and antioxidants.

Add antioxidants to your diet is very important, since they repel the free radicals that cause aging of the organism. The antioxidant nutrients our body clean and slow signs of aging.

The anthocyanin berries also contain a pigment which gives them their characteristic red color and is associated with weight loss by preventing cholesterol from sticking to the arteries.

What's more, the berries are powerful detoxification due to its high content of vitamin C. Stresses the strawberry, and debugging the system of toxins, is a diuretic and mild laxative and blood alkaline. The berries cleanse the kidneys, liver and intestine combat water retention and promote good digestion.

To use them in a smoothie or juice, it is important to ensure that these fruits come from organic farming, otherwise it is likely to contain high doses of pesticides or other chemicals. To make a delicious red fruit juice, first wash and disinfect them, then add to the blender with some water, lemon, honey and some ice.

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