Monday, September 26, 2011

Babies and Food Allergies

The first cases of food allergy have been reported in Europe in the early twentieth century and 40 years was recognized by doctors worldwide. Food allergies are more common in childhood, during the first year of life when the child is first confronted with potentially allergenic foods and then begins to create the mechanisms of immune tolerance.

Milk and eggs, along with fish are the major food allergens during childhood. This statement is made by the results of a study of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC) determined that the foods most commonly implicated in such allergies in children under 5 years is 82% milk, followed by egg with 76% and 50 % fish. Other foods that can cause allergies in children are peanuts, tree nuts, soy.

Breast milk is not foreign to the body baby, breast milk does not cause allergies. On the contrary, milk is rich in immunologists of type A, which are antibodies against allergies and infections, especially gastrointestinal, since they increase the impermeability of the intestinal wall, blocking the passage of a greater number of allergens in the blood.
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Fainting Care

Although frightening, and perhaps a little embarrassing, fainting (loss of consciousness) is generally not a reason to panic. One in three people fainted at least once in life, often before age 35 or after age 65.

Fainting is caused by the abrupt reduction of cerebral irrigation. The following are some tips for first aid care in case of fainting.

1. Place the victim in a cool place with adequate ventilation.

2. It is necessary to circulate the blood in greater quantity in the brain and organs, this pair raises the lower limbs.

3. To prevent or stifle the victim vomits, turn the victim's head to the side.

4. Loosen victim's clothing, for better circulation.

5. Do not give the victim fluids after fainting. The victim may not be fully recovered with his reflexes and drown.

6. After approximately one minute after the fall, the flow of blood to the brain is restored again and recovers consciousness.

7. Do not let the victim walking alone after fainting. Make her sit down and take a deep breath after helping her for a walk, breathing deeply and slowly. Thus there is a gradual upgrading the vertical position thus avoiding another faint, which can occur if her rise sharply.

8. After these procedures, the victim can give water.

If you have any chronic health condition (cardiovascular disease, hypertension or diabetes) in combination with recurrent fainting and abrupt, especially related to exercise, ask your doctor to assess the problem.
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Care in case of Seizure

The seizure is usually very stressful, the main tip is to stay calm so you can effectively help. It is important to know that most seizures last less than 5 minutes and that mortality is low during the crisis.

If the seizure is caused by an accident or a hit, do not remove the victim's location, meet it and wait for the arrival of medical help. Depending on the severity, if the victim is transported improperly it can even die.

The following are some tips for first aid care in case of seizure.

1. Lay the person on the ground, in a place with objects that could cause injury. Create space around the victim away from prying eyes.

2. Use your hand, clothes, pillow, or otherwise to protect the victim's head. Turn aside the victim's head to drain the saliva, thereby avoiding the person drowns.

3. Let your arms and legs free, in any way the stops.

4. Loosen clothing to facilitate ventilation. After, make sure nothing is obstructing the airway and to
breathing is normal.

5. Do not try to hold your tongue with your fingers, or try to place objects such as spoon, pen, mouth to hold it.

6. Turn your head to die. This will turn the tongue, and thus be released to the air passage.

7. To ease breathing, clear the salivary secretions with the aid of a paper or a towel.

After spending the seizure, until you get the specialized help if the victim wants to sleep, let it rest while awaiting rescue.

Medicate in any way the victim, because the reflections can not be fully recovered, and the victim can drown trying to swallow the tablet and water.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus, commonly known simply as diabetes is a deficiency in the normal metabolism of sugar, resulting from insufficient production of insulin. If untreated, the disease can have serious and even fatal complications such as blindness, stroke, impotence and kidney problems.

Some factors predisposing to diabetes are family history of the disease, physical inactivity and overweight (obesity). The most common symptoms are fatigue, thirst, excessive urination, increased appetite, weight loss, hand and foot dormant, non-healing wounds and blurred vision.

Some attitudes that can help prevent the onset of disease: use sugar sparingly, maintaining proper weight, regular exercise and moderate alcohol consumption. And, who is the bearer of diabetes, we recommend:

Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, consume 2-3 liters of water per day using artificial sweeteners. It is forbidden and other refined sugar such as honey, molasses and brown sugar; to have regular times for meals, avoid cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, physical activities regularly, eat foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits and whole grains); reduce salt intake.

In many cases, treatment is based only on dietary modification, not requiring medical treatment. In any case, however, it requires constant medical supervision. If you have questions about the disease, see your doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is the best way to ensure a good living with the disease.
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Migraine Headaches in Children & Adolescents

Most common cause of headaches in children are viral infections such as colds or flu. Children and adolescents may also suffer headaches and tension-type headaches. Brain tumors can cause headaches, but these tumors are rare.

Besides a headache, brain tumors almost always cause problems with coordination, balance, speech, vision and gait.

A migraine is usually a headache, throbbing, with nausea. Pounding or pulsing pain usually begins in the forehead, on one side of the head or around the eyes. Any kind of movement or activity seems to worsen the pain. Nausea and vomiting are common.

Much as 5% of children attending primary school have migraine headaches. During the years of secondary education about 20% of adolescents suffer from migraines.

The type headaches migraines seem to be caused in part by changes in the level of a body chemical called serotonin. Serotonin has many functions in the body and can also have an effect on blood vessels. When serotonin levels are elevated, blood vessels constrict, ie become narrower.
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Acute Leukemia: Diagnosis

Acute leukemia is the uncontrolled growth of cells or hematopoietic stem cells (blood forming), unable to mature properly, coming to invade the majority or all of the bone marrow, after which reach the peripheral blood.

It would be like if the light does not reach the traffic lights to differentiate into three colors, and emit white light. This would cause many problems, congestion, crashes, violations, etc.. When a leukemia stem cells (white light) are less than fully mature red cells, white cells and platelets (red, orange and green) so that serious disorders can even lead to death.

Types of Leukemia: lymphoid leukemia, myeloid leukemia

The bone marrow, which is inside the bones, is composed of hematopoietic cells by fat cells and supporting tissues. Hematopoietic stem cells reproduce to form new cells continuously. Some of these, will turn and other new stem cells, when mature, will become red blood cells, white cells and platelets. The white blood cells involved in defending the body against any harmful microorganisms, also work to destroy cancer cells.

For the diagnosis takes into account the signs and symptoms presented by the patient, but will require a series of tests that detect the presence of abnormal cells. To confirm the diagnosis will take a sample of bone marrow through a vacuum, and analyzed the cells in it.

Treatment for leukemia is a specific antileukemic therapy to kill cancer cells, and supportive therapy, problem-solving side of the disease and side effects of specific treatment. Patient characteristics and disease will have more or less successful treatment.
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Gynecological Tumors: Treatment

The ovaries are two and are in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. They have the shape and size of an almond, and produce both eggs and female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that are responsible for shaping and feminine traits to the body and regulate menstruation and pregnancy among other things. Ovarian cancer accounts for 4% of tumors that affect women.

The most common metastatic ovarian cancer occur in the peritoneum, which is the sac lining the intestines. In these cases there is ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen), while if they reach the blood or lymphatic system, cancer cells can travel throughout the body, which increase the likelihood of metastases in other parts of the body.

The uterus is the cavity where the fetus develops. It consists of two layers of different tissues: the inner, very thin, which is called the endometrium and another external, consisting of muscle called the myometrium. Most tumors of the uterus occur after menopause.

Depending on the type of tumor and the stage where it is found, apply a different treatment. The health and patient age are also crucial when choosing a treatment strategy. The techniques are very diverse and can be used alone or in combination.

Surgery is the most common treatment, can kill cancer cells and, if necessary, remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes or other organs that have been affected by cancer or a metastasis. If you removed the uterus is called hysterectomy technique. The lymph nodes may be removed by surgery.
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Friday, September 9, 2011

Living a Balanced

Having a balanced life care involves many aspects of the same: eating a healthy diet, exercise regularly and live without stress. Of course, having a job that is to our liking and that meets our needs is also essential.

To feel complete, it is important to look after the area both physical and mental and spiritual. If you do not have a job to make us feel full, our mood deteriorates, and sometimes even our health. We woke up not wanting to work, unmotivated and tired rather than energized to start the day. Such is the importance of obtaining a job that suits us one hundred percent, because he can depend on our emotional health.

Many people are satisfied with the job they have but not to their liking. Other aim high and seek to find the ideal. There are sites that may be helpful in this search, displaying hundreds or even thousands of jobs of all types for all tastes and economic needs. In these pages there is a job for everyone, just be patient and be a good representative of himself, that is how to show a good image through our profile and CV.
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Berries for Health Care

A blackberry juice sweetened with honey is not only delicious, it is also highly nutritious. In general, all berries (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries and strawberries) provide important nutrients to the body and keep it in good shape.

Its distinctive flavor both sweet and acid make these small wild fruits the perfect choice to take on fresh juices and hydrate the body. Moreover, these fruits contain large doses of vitamins such as A, C and E, minerals and antioxidants.

Add antioxidants to your diet is very important, since they repel the free radicals that cause aging of the organism. The antioxidant nutrients our body clean and slow signs of aging.

The anthocyanin berries also contain a pigment which gives them their characteristic red color and is associated with weight loss by preventing cholesterol from sticking to the arteries.

What's more, the berries are powerful detoxification due to its high content of vitamin C. Stresses the strawberry, and debugging the system of toxins, is a diuretic and mild laxative and blood alkaline. The berries cleanse the kidneys, liver and intestine combat water retention and promote good digestion.

To use them in a smoothie or juice, it is important to ensure that these fruits come from organic farming, otherwise it is likely to contain high doses of pesticides or other chemicals. To make a delicious red fruit juice, first wash and disinfect them, then add to the blender with some water, lemon, honey and some ice.
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Straight Hair

Who does not have the wires usually resorts to plain natural chemicals to straighten the wires. More than a trend, straight hair turned lifestyle.

The market is full of innovations to make straight hair. Among them: brush progressive, permanent straightening, brush and Moroccan chap. Permanent or temporary, the brushes make the head of women of various ages and social classes.

The straight hair seem easy to care for because they are always Pentecostalism. But even they need special care because, despite having increased strength, have less flexibility. So the key is careful not to break the wires. Hydration is essential at the tips. And once every two weeks, deep cleansing shampoo to not be looking hard for hair to be more fluffy.

After submitting to a hair straightening, it is essential to etching and neutralization. These procedures are almost mandatory and complementary treatments. Not to mention, of course, the use of special shampoos and conditioners and quality.

A great recipe for recovering the wires when they are losing the shine is to mix a tablespoon of white vinegar with a tablespoon of vegetable cream and apply for five minutes. The effect is a hair without scales, with high gloss and health.
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Prepare for the coming Winter!

With the arrival of the coldest season of the year, it's time to step up care to maintain our beauty and our health. With falling temperatures and dry weather, also arrive coughing, sneezing, dry skin, hair damage, respiratory allergies, infections, colds, atopic dermatitis and even wrinkles.

For these evils do not install, or worse, does not develop, bet on prevention. Check out some basic care for this season:

Hair: Excess oil in the regions of the body where there is a greater concentration of sebaceous glands, such as the scalp, face, eyebrows and chest, is the main symptom of dandruff. The high temperature also stimulates the production of sebum and can cause dermatitis. Ideally, before the arrival of winter, do consult a dermatologist for proper treatment to prevent the disease become apparent.

Lips: The lips are more sensitive during the winter. The wind, cold, dust, pollution and low humidity and dry out much harm lips. You need to moisturize regularly. In addition to the regular use of sunscreen lip, it is important to drink plenty of water. Another way to prevent burns and cracks, sometimes even bleeding lips is to avoid over tongue with saliva on them. When choosing a lip balm or lipstick, pay attention to the formula. Choose sunscreen products associated with oily preparations and products made from beeswax, which always keeps the lips with a protective film and help with hydration.

Feet: In winter, the humidity decreases, causing dry skin, including feet. Hydration is key, but you must also wear closed shoes and a good moisturizer, specific to the region of the feet. The cracks eventually likely to be local proliferation of bacteria and fungi, so it is important to treat them with care.

Eyes: Feature of the winter, low humidity can impair vision with the call dry eye syndrome. The problem causes a decrease in tear production or worsening of quality of lubrication. The main symptoms are: feeling of grittiness, itching, and extreme sensitivity to light, to avoid this problem the intake of water and special drops to help moisturize your eyes enough.

Skin: Hydration is essential to have healthy and beautiful skin. You know that your skin can suffer damage if it is not properly hydrated in the winter?
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuberculosis Information

Contrary to what many think, this disease is quite common in our country and killing thousands of people every year. She does not choose age, sex or race.

Although it is contagious, as we shall see, this evil can be cured. The person must have patience and willpower, because the treatment lasts at least six months.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that can affect the lungs or other parts of the body, with serious consequences. The disease is spread from person to person. When someone who is infected - active and untreated - into their lungs or throat expels them into the air when sneezing or talking. Other individuals who are breathing the same contaminated air can be infected. Normally, these bacteria who ends up inspiring and have close contact with someone who is already with the disease. This is why most people get TB from family members, friends or coworkers. In a casual contact with people coughing in a restaurant or in a public transportation, even if there is someone with tuberculosis, is more difficult to have the transmission. It does not spread the disease through contact with plates, glasses, sheets or clothing.

It is a serious disease caused by active TB germs. If the body's defenses are weak, it is possible that evil develops shortly after penetration of germs in the body. It is also likely, even after many years, that germs become active inactive. This requires that the body's defenses are weakened for reasons such as aging, serious illness, alcohol or drug abuse and AIDS.
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Dengue: Symptoms & Treatment

Much has been heard about the dengue epidemic that has reached the Southeast in recent months. Newspapers and magazines constantly announce new cases and deaths from disease.

Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti, after having bitten an infected person sick. There are basically two types of dengue: the classic and hemorrhagic. Generally, when first infected, the individual contracts the dengue fever. In a second infection, there is an increased risk of developing dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is much more serious and can lead to death.

Symptoms appear 3 to 15 days after contamination. In dengue fever, the main symptoms are high fever, muscle aches and joint pain, pain behind the eyes and severe headache. It can also be bleeding gums and nose, red spots in the body and lack of appetite.

If the person lives in an epidemic zone or knew people in the neighborhood have contracted dengue fever, she should seek a doctor or a clinic to obtain medical advice. Treatment should be based on bed rest and fluid replacement. Thus, the infected person should drink plenty of water, juices and eating fresh fruits and vegetables. For pain and fever, should take an analgesic-antipathetic paracetamol-based. Drugs based on aspirin should be avoided because they increase the risk of bleeding.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Chitosan: Information

Chitosan is a biopolymer fiber marine origin, mainly found in the exoskeleton of crustaceans, it has to be produced through the deacetylation of chitin at elevated temperatures. Chitosan has numerous uses biotechnological component used as drug carriers for controlled-release technology.

This soluble fiber, with a positive charge, has been widely used by industry for several purposes, including the absorption of fats and oils of plants in water treatment, health and nutrition.

Discovered in the nineteenth century, the use of chitosan as food has become widespread only a few decades ago, by Japanese scientists were the first to discover the possible benefits of chitosan feeding people. After years of studies, researchers found that chitosan acts as an aid in lowering cholesterol, probably due to decreased absorption of lipids from the gastrointestinal tract.

Chitosan has no caloric value because it can not be absorbed. Chitosan can hold between 60 to 10 times its weight in fat.

Grease and when added chitosan is not digestible form a mass, which is excluded through the digestive tract. Due to their electrical charge, chitosan can selectively absorb saturated fats even in aqueous media. Thus, all the fat that is linked to chitosan passes through the body without being absorbed or retained.

It is also believed that supplementation with chitosan may be part of the creation of a purification process that is very necessary to lose weight.

The use of chitosan in the system makes the body store less fat in the body. With a little fat being absorbed into the body, the body uses the fat that is stored in the body to be burned. This changes the energy sources from your diet for their fat stores and results in a reduction of body fat and weight.
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The Benefits of Green Tea

Currently, about 3,000 products carry the name of tea, but in fact may even be considered teas, only those who have in their composition the plant Camellia Sinensis.

Legend has it that in the Chinese year 2737 BC, Emperor Shen Nung was resting under a tree when some leaves fell into a bowl of water that his servants were boiling to drink. Attracted by the aroma, Shen Nung tasted the liquid and loved it. Was born there, the tea. It is likely that this story is not true, but it gives a romantic air to the origin of a drink known worldwide. This legend is released as the first reference to the infusion of green tea leaves, from the plant Camellia sinensis, which originates in China and India. In fact, the first written record about the use of tea dates from the third century BC The treaty of Lu Yu, known as the first treatise on tea and technical nature, written in the century. VIII, during the Tang dynasty, defined the role of China as responsible for the introduction of tea in the world.

At the beginning of the century. IX, tea culture was introduced to Japan by Buddhist monks who took some seeds from China. The culture was successful and developed rapidly. Tea experienced in these two countries - China and Japan - an extraordinary evolution, covering not only economic and technical means, but also the artistic, poetic, philosophical and even religious. In Japan, for example, tea is the protagonist of a ceremonial complex and significant. The arrival of tea to Europe was not quick. The earliest reference found in European literature about the tea are attributed to Marco Polo, on account of his journey who had referred to the tea in a letter to his sovereign.

Since its introduction on the European continent occurred early in the century. XVII, depending on the trade that was then established between Europe and the Orient. Apparently, it was the Dutch who first brought tea to Europe, intensifying their trade, later developed by the British. In England, its use spread rapidly, becoming a very popular drink. That popularity has spread to countries with strong English influence, primarily in the United States, then Australia and Canada. Today, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world.
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How to Reduce Dandruff

Learn how to cut to the root and how to prevent its appearance, called by doctors of seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that develops only in genetically predisposed individuals.

What are the causes? The glands produce much sebum, causing flaky these, where there are small white shells, which are fragments of dead cells.

What are aggravating the disease? The emotional instability, depression or anxiety did much to increase dandruff. The unbalanced diet along with the use of dryers and excessively hot baths is a major aggravating dandruff.

How to control? Wash your hair every day with warm water and shampoo for oily hair. Do not sleep with wet hair, or tie or put any kind of bail while they are wet.

Get healthy life habits, exercise and take good care of their food.

Be the scalp or anywhere on the skin, never remove the cones, this type of action only adds to the problem than to hurt the site.
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Benefits of Bodybuilding

The practitioner may have fitness goals like increased strength and muscle mass, decreased weight and body fat percentage, improved fitness and sports performance, increased endurance. However, the results depend on the frequency and degree of involvement in training, nutrition, and even supplementation.

A benefit from the use of weights is exercise for postural correction. With the identification of the problem of postural deviation by a healthcare professional, you can design the training to strengthen the muscles affected by poor posture. The analysis should identify the expert most appropriate exercises and stretches to every problem.

Other benefits of weight training are to increase muscle mass, sports performance enhancement, increased protection of bones and joints, improved esthetics and promote comfort in daily life and physical labor. In women, weight training also increases the volume of the body shaping muscles.

Strength training can be practiced by different groups of people from teens to seniors through the handicapped, individuals with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease (disorders of the heart), hypertension (blood pressure above normal), people in the post-operative or recovering from injuries, with the possibility of strengthening exercises.

The benefits of strength training are directly related to the period in which the practitioner is dedicated to training, the type of training, with different intensities, volumes, speed of execution of movements, sets, intervals between sets and exercises, and periods recovery between workouts, bone structure and distribution of morphological types of fibers in each individual.

The presence of a professional in the field is crucial in the evolution process of the practitioner in defining the training program, in identifying the correct execution of the exercises in the correct position in the apparatus, the guidance on questions.

Practicing up weight with involvement, no doubt you will have many benefits. However, you must have discipline, following the advice of professionals and respect their boundaries.
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Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Eat Healthy Start ?

Allergies, fatigue, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, migraine, joint pain and infertility etc. these diseases are collectively called an apt term: civilization. Health problems related to the hectic times in which it is difficult to resist stress and hurry, to bring surgeries and pharmacies are still more people. In doing so, often enough in time to stop and think about their own way of life, about what, how and when to eat. Lifestyle and diet in particular have a major impact on how we feel and most importantly what is our health.

But how to eat healthily when you are at your fast food, supermarkets full of instant and quick meals offer an easy solution in a situation where we have less and less time? The basic condition is like! And start early, before they come health problems, obesity or high blood pressure.

Every mother on maternity leave and a manager can plan their own schedules, so too we must learn a little plan of what we eat during the day. Do not leave it to chance and fate, what I find in the fridge at home or buy at the gas station. Probably none of us is a healthy nutrition in school did not teach, we were led to it, but once a firm decide to incorporate its principles into everyday life, not a problem.
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Choosing a Family Doctor

A family doctor is a doctor who cares for his family unit. Family physicians put up relationships with patients and families. They actually get know their patients. They listen and help them make good decisions about health.

Family doctors are anxious with the physical, mental and arousing both their patients and their families. They be acquainted with their family history and recognize how it can affect you. They are skilled to take care of you during all stages of life.

Family physicians are trained in all areas of medicine. They can diagnose and treat the full range of problems that people frequently bring to their doctors. Know when to treat and, if necessary, when to involve another specialist you can faith. Family physicians know the most current treatments and technologies. They train for three years in real practice settings, treating patients in a clinic, hospital and home. And they re-certify more than any other medical sphere. Family physicians also continue to educate themselves. This allows them to apply the latest medical advances in the daily care of their patients.

Family physicians are specially trained in preventive medicine. The basis of his philosophy that preventing a health problem is better than having to overcome one. They help you choose the right health choices to keep you and your family healthy.

Once you find a doctor who meets your needs, plan an appointment for you to meet up and talk with your doctor.
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Vomiting and Diarrhea in Children

Vomiting (throwing up) and diarrhea (frequent bowel movements and semi-liquid) can be caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Foods that are difficult to digest, such as eating too many sweets, and meat or fish that are not well cooked (they are partially raw) can also cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Vomiting and diarrhea can be harmful because they can cause dehydration. Dehydration occurs when you lose too much fluid. Young children can dehydrate very quickly, but dehydration can occur at any age.

If your baby or child has had several bouts of vomiting or diarrhea, he or she will need to replace fluids and electrolytes lost.

If you are breastfeeding, continue giving breast milk to the baby. Breast milk is liquid and electrolytes needed to prevent dehydration. Chances are your doctor will also want you to give your baby an Oral Rehydration Solution.

If you feed your baby formula, try changing the formula milk that is lactose while the child is sick. The lactose can make diarrhea worse. The doctor may also suggest switching from formula to ORS for 12 to 14 hours and then switching back to formula.

In children who are toddlers and young children, use an ORS containing a mixture of salt, sugar, potassium and other nutrients to help replace lost body fluids. Children older than one year may also have wines, sodas (soft) light or juice mixed with water in order to prevent dehydration. You should avoid giving your child plain water and cola. The water itself does not contain enough salt and nutrients to help with dehydration. The dark sodas usually have a high sugar content and can irritate the stomach to your child.
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What Causes Depression?

Your body contains chemicals that help to control his temper. When you do not have enough of these chemicals or when your brain does not respond to them properly, you may become depressed. Depression can be genetic, meaning it can run in families. The abuse of drugs or alcohol can also lead to depression. Some medical problems and medications can lead to depression.

Depression is not a normal part of aging, but is common among adults 65 years or older. Retirement, health problems and loss of loved ones are things that happen to people in a state of advanced age. Feeling sad at these times is normal. But if these feelings persist and keep you from doing your usual activities, you should talk to your doctor.

It can be difficult to distinguish between depression and illnesses such as dementia. Also, people in a state of older adults may not talk to your doctor about your feelings of sadness or anxiety because they are embarrassed. But depression is something that the person to be embarrassed. It is not a personal weakness. It is a medical illness that is treatable.

Medications used to treat depression are called antidepressants. They correct the chemical imbalance in your brain that causes depression. These medicines usually work well but can have side effects. The side effects typically diminish over time. The activity of antidepressants may be immediate, but it may take six to eight weeks before you can appreciate all the benefits they provide. Do not stop taking the medication without first consulting your doctor.
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What if I do not Feel like Eating?

You may not feel well enough to eat while being treated for cancer. But it is important to eat as much as possible. Food helps your body build new healthy cells and also helps increase your energy level.

May help to eat several small meals a day instead of three large meals. Try eating bland foods like crackers, toast and broth. Sip water, juices and soft drinks. Ask your doctor whether you should take a nutritional supplement such as Ensure. Avoid spicy foods or foods with strong odors if they make you feel nauseous. You may also find it easier to eat and drink food and warm drinks.

Some people with cancer, especially people who are being treated with chemotherapy, have problems with ulcers or sore mouth. This may make it more difficult to eat. Try eating soft, bland food or cooked food which has been pureed in blender. If sores inside the mouth, tell your doctor. These ulcers can become infected and cause serious problems. You may want to take a straw (straw) to prevent ulcers in the mouth. Also, try rinsing your mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 8 ounces of water. This can help prevent infections of the mouth and help your mouth heal faster.

When you feel like eating, try to eat as much protein and calories as possible. Ask your doctor if you need to add certain nutrients or types of food to your diet. Your doctor may want you to go see a nutrition counselor who can help find ways to get the right amount of protein, calories and nutrients. If you realize you can not eat at all for more than 24 hours, call your doctor. Your doctor needs to know that you are not getting the nutrition they need.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

How to Prevent Oily Skin - Beauty

Daily care soften skin oils and leaves as dry and dull. There's no point washing your face at all times, the secret is to take the correct care and keep the skin hydrated and protected.

Ideally, wash your face in the morning and before bed with soap, preferably indicated by a dermatologist. Then you should apply a tonic for removing waste pollution, makeup and own bath.

Time to moisturize and apply sunscreen, choose products 'oil free', free of oil, and which cause clogged pores.

Be careful with the temperature of water: it can not be neither too hot nor too cold. Avoid rubbing the towel to dry skin, this can bring irritation; palpate it gently over the face.

If oiliness persist, even with these precautions, it's time to visit a dermatologist and use the special acid or oral treatments. Retinoic acid is one of the most commonly used for skin cleansing and daily maintenance.
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Stomach Reduction Surgery - Gastric Bypass

A gastric bypass is a surgery to lose weight by reducing the stomach. The ultimate goal of gastric bypass surgery is that patients recover their normal weight and not regain the lost pounds over time.

Gastric Bypass: The procedure

The surgical procedure consists of a gastric restriction that allows the patient you stay satisfied with a smaller amount of food. Thus, bypass surgery makes the patient does not feel hungry and is satisfied with less food.

Gastric Bypass: Risks

The risks of gastric bypass are high compared with other treatments, because the mortality rate is between 1% and 3%. However, gastric bypass is now considered one of the most effective weight loss and weight control over time.
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Autism Information

Autism is a disorder that causes changes in the behavior of children, especially when related to the environment around them. It is part of a group of disorders known as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ADS in English).

Autism is the third largest developmental disorder. The number of children and adults with the disease have continued to grow throughout the world, regardless of racial, ethnic and social.

Autism affects children from birth, affecting the development and functions in different areas. The disease has a terrible impact on children, families, communities and society. However, with a treatment for autism prompt and appropriate can be achieved in many cases a marked improvement.

It is estimated that autism affects 6.4 children in 1000, is more common in men than in women. The diagnosis of the disorder rarely occurs before two years of life, but experts agree that early diagnosis is vital for the autistic child can reach their full potential.

So far we do not know the causes of autism, but there are rumors that it is multifactorial causes may also result from genetic, immunological and environmental. However, contrary to some popular beliefs, not met any cause and effect relationship between vaccination and the development of autism.
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Do not rely on this sites or any content accessed on or through them for medical advice - Consult Your Physician. It is for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical or health advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.